Advantages of learning python as a beginner!

Python is a programming language with a clear syntax and good readability. It is considered easy to learn and can be interpreted in common operating systems. The name derives from "Monty Python's Flying Circus". Python supports several paradigms of programming such as functional, object-oriented or aspect-oriented programming and can also be used as a scripting language.
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam at the beginning of the 1990s. Since mid-2018, the programming language is available in the current version 3.7. The Python source code is freely available under the Python Software Foundation License. The net has a broad following and a large community.

Advantages of the programming language Python
The programming language Python offers a multitude of advantages. The following are the most important advantages:
  • simple syntax
  • easy to learn due to the small number of keywords and the clear structure
  • no variable declaration necessary
  • extensive standard library available
  • little error prone
  • fewer lines of code compared to many other programming languages
  • easy to read and maintain code
  • Support for various programming paradigms
  • good extensibility thanks to a large collection of Python add-on packages
  • good scalability
  • for complex tasks and almost all application problems
  • usable for common operating systems
  • freely available
  • constant development of the programming language and large community
  • Purpose of Python

For the common operating systems Python is freely available. In many Linux distributions, the programming language is standard. Python can also be used on many mobile operating systems. For Web servers, WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) provides a universal interface between server and Python. If you are interested to learn python choose Python Training In Bangalore encourage anyone to program in Python and it is the best programming language, I just want to share that it is a simple language, ideal to start programming and that it has a brutal projection since everything can be done and used by the most important companies in the world.

Because of its ease of programming with Python and the multitude of available scientific libraries, the programming language is widely used in the scientific environment. Another important area of ​​application is the research and programming of applications in the field of artificial intelligence ( AI ) and machine learning. For example, TensorFlow is a powerful library for realizing AI applications and machine learning. Reasons for the popularity of the programming language in this area are the performance and good scalability of Python. Many commercial projects such as YouTube or Google are also based in part on Python. Take Python Training In Bangalore and become Python Developer.
Hope This Information is Useful.