Is data science really a rising career?

What is Python?
Python is an interpreted programming language , that is, it does not need to be preprocessed through a compiler, whose philosophy is that of a syntax that favors the writing of readable code.
It is also a multiparadigm type, since it supports object orientation, functional programming (although to a lesser extent) and imperative programming. Not only that, but also uses a dynamic and multiplatform typing.
Python has gained its reputation over time, reaching catch up to big languages programming such as Java, C ++ and C are among others.
Python as a scripting language
Python has always been a good ally of system administrators and operations teams, replacing scripts written in bash. But it is not only limited to this, but it is also a pioneer in the world of scraping and crawling, where we can obtain information from web pages in a very simple and fully automated way.
Some examples of libraries for testing are:
  • Unittest
  • Pytest
  • Robot.
Python in web development
One of the fields in which Python is also shining is in the development of web applications , mainly thanks to the use of frameworks such as Djando or Flask. And, although there are already great programming languages for web applications (such as PHP), what makes Python so special is the possibility of offering a complete and quality framework that will allow us to create web applications in record time . if you are new to the programming you should think about taking python courses in pune and it is an excellent idea to immerse yourself in the concepts that allow you to master this wonderful language and all the possibilities that a solid knowledge of its main attributes can offer you.
Big Data, Data Science and AI
If all of the above is not enough, in recent years something has happened that has revolutionized and made Python more famous. And it is that the generalization of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (or AI), with Machine Learning and Deep Learning, together with the emergence of data science, have created a totally revolutionized panorama that Python has taken advantage of , creating a multitude of new tools to be exploited and to interact with these advances.
Some examples of libraries to perform Big Data, Data Science or AI can be:
  • Pyspark
  • Dask
  • Pydoop
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Keras
  • TensorFlow.
In addition, as we have seen, Python offers a multitude of advantages to all its users, including: its great simplicity, flexibility and ease of learning so anyone who is trying to learn can easily turn them self’s as a python developers with help of python courses in pune. With a direct syntax and good use of the indented spaces, which make it very easy to learn, read and even share. Currently, it has more than 145,000 libraries in its online repository, covering almost any type of need, from the possibility of developing video games to developing applications that have to do with the world of astronomy.